Friday, April 30, 2010

Funny Hawaiian Phrase

ArbG Stuttgart Judgement of 04/15/2010, 17 Ca 8907/09 - The "Ossi" - Case

discrimination because of "ethnic origin" (so-called "Ossi-case")
The right to compensation in accordance. § § 1, 15 para 2 AGG requires a Others require discrimination because of "ethnic origin". "Ossi" refers to any ethnic group.
first The application is dismissed.
second The applicant has to bear the costs of litigation.
third The amount in dispute is set at EUR 5,000.00.

The parties argue over compensation claims because of discrimination.

The applicant was born in 1961, which in 1988 from the territory of the former GDR the Federal Republic of Germany and has been relocated since 1991 in Greater S. worked as an accountant for various companies, mid-July 2009 he applied for an advertised by the defendant accountants office. By letter dated 3.8.2009 filed by the defendant, thanks for the interest of the applicant, nevertheless her to cancel the application and it also created the curriculum vitae of the applicant back. On the latter, an employee of the defendant, the words "Ossi" with a circled minus sign next to it was appropriate and in addition to activity completed by the applicant prior to 1988 at 2 places, "DDR" is entered.

The applicant is of the opinion that by these endorsements made documented that their application had been successful only because of their origin. This background was in line with the overall principle of equal treatment of an ethnic origin, so their disadvantage under § 15 AGG could not remain without compensation, especially as the endorsements made had you been affected personally.

claims that the Court:

The defendant will pay to the applicant compensation for default interest rate of 5 percentage points pay more than the base rate since pendens. The amount of compensation is left to the discretion of the court, but should not be less than EUR 5,000.00 gross.

claims that the defendant,

7 ;
dismiss the lawsuit.

It considers the term "Ossi" was not discriminatory, and their refusal was not based on the origin of the applicant, but on professional, quality concerns . The concept of law was, moreover, related to the prohibition of racial discrimination and that therefore the requirements of § § 1, 15 AGG were not met.
Because of the further argument is based on the parties' pleadings and the annexes thereto, in particular OJ. 11 (curriculum vitae of the applicant) by reference. The logs 13.10.2009 and 04.15.2010 is made.

The permissible Claim is unfounded because a discrimination case is not given in § 1 AGG.

first According to § 1 AGG will be at a disadvantage among other things "for reasons of race or ethnic origin" prevented or eliminated. About this condition as well as their compensation due in accordance with § 15 para 2 AGG argues the parties, the facts are shaped by the fact that the applicant is returned unpaid CV enter '(-) Ossi "and at 2 places" DDR "applied by a member of the defendant contains.

a) The literature is generally assumed that the term ethnic origin broad meaning (see, for example, Bauer and others, AGG, 2nd edition, § 1, paragraph 18;. Däubler Others, AGG, 2nd edition, § 1, paragraph 27.). In interpreting the term is from discussions about human rights can not be divorced after 1945. This discussion may be useful for a generous interpretation of the term. It is characterized inter alia by Article 1 and Article 55 of the Charter of the United Nations on 26.06.1945, which states that "problems of economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character, in respect for human rights ... without distinction of race, sex, language or of religion "are to be solved. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights includes of 10.12.1948 "distinction of any kind such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other circumstances "from. In a similar sense of Article 14 of the Convention regulates the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 4.11.1950 (ECHR) the exclusion of different treatment on grounds such as "... national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status .... " For the first time in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on 07.12.2000 and then by the Treaty establishing the European Community, as amended on 4/16/2003 to be taboo discrimination "on grounds of ethnic origin".

international law from this context it is clear that the concept of ethnic origin on the manifestable diversity of people is based. Therefore, this concept needs further clarification.

b) If this term on the Greek word "ethnos" is based and its transmission in the German language "people" or "ethnicity" means, it is clear that the ethnic origin within the meaning of § 1 AGG more than just home from a place, a land, country or includes a common territory. The concept of ethnicity can only be met with a sense when the common history and culture, which connect to a specific territory and a sense of solidarity and unity for an identifiable population represented by people power. This might a common language, tradiierte habits and the like are.

c) the dispute are called "Ossi" may be the element of a "territory" in concept of ethnic match (the former GDR / to East Germany). A common language impressed him but not as spoken in the eastern states of Saxony and Low German dialects, with different dialects in any case do not preclude a common language. The history of the term created after 1989 "Ossi" is far too young to ever since to describe a definable population. That the former GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany, different socio-political developments show to 1989, leaves the (former) citizens of the two state spaces are not described as identifiable ethnic groups, each its own kind, because the shared history since the abolition of small states, the common culture of the last 250 years, been provided by dialect differences common language making it clear that in the 21 Century regional differentiation possibilities not yet Schwaben Bayern still "Westerners" to be born from each other identifiable ethnic groups nor in East Germany . Let

d) § 75 WCA is not in conflict with § 1 AGG: Although commands to the employer and works directed order, any disadvantage of workers including to refrain because of their ethnic origin or their origin or other origin. " This further discrimination ban, which codifies no individual legal claims for damages or compensation claims are, at the level of operation other tasks than the pain of sanctions discrimination of § 1 AGG. At farm level is to ensure that ethnic traditions distinctions are excluded.

second The term "Ossi" can (which the defendant is denied) discriminatory because assigned a value opinion meant, it can be understood as discriminatory (so the argument by the applicant). As in § 1 AGG however, not every conceivable disadvantage should be eliminated or prevented, and especially since the title is not the criterion of "ethnic origin" can be assigned to turns out to § 15 para 2 AGG-based application as unfounded. They must be dismissed.

There's been unsuccessful, the applicant, it must bear the costs of the dispute. The amount in dispute are the setting ArbGG § § 61, 3, while the Code of Civil Procedure in the Klagantrag Expressed the interest of the applicant based.
A separate decision on the admissibility of the appeal allowed by law (§ 64 para 2 ArbGG) is not required.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Meilleur Groping Bus 2010

OLG Karlsruhe, decision of 8 April 2010 - 2 WF 40/10 - Enforcement dealing

Posted: April 27, 2010 07:43 AM PDT
Execution proceedings to a treatment regime is under Art.111 Abs.1 FGG-RG to be regarded as an independent process and not as a mere continuation of the proceedings on the merits. Therefore, direct enforcement proceedings that are initiated after 31.08.2009, even ff the § § 86 , 120 FamFG if they are based on titles, to 31.08. caused 2009th
has been issued prior to 01.09.2009 an enforcement instrument in which, according § 33 FGG old version in case the infringement was threatened with a penalty, so on that basis order means for the future § 89 FamFG be arranged. In so-called Alttiteln for which was threatened by the imposition of penalty payment is not required to place before the arrangement of an order agent (again) in accordance with § 89 Paragraph 2 FamFG a reference to the consequences of infringement.