Thursday, January 28, 2010

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I want you / your attention the following page on the website of the Evangelical Press Service (EPD):

's such a verdict FS ; r eat the Church is a found, was as clear to me at least.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

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decision of the Constitutional Court to the level of rule sets

According to the press release dated 01.22.2009 the verdict in the above matter will be announced on 09/02/2010 10:00 clock.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

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OLG Köln - 4 UF 114/09 - Decision v. 9.1.2009 / ABR

FamRZ 2010, 139

No. 69 OLG Köln - BGB § 1671

(4 ZS - Fams -, Order of 09.01 .2009 - 4 If UF 114/09)

both parents parenting skills in the same way, there is a good bond with both parents of the child, the child has no showed preferences for one or the other parent and have both parents in a position to future educational development of the child to adequately support, then for the question to whom the residence determination for a 4 half transfer year-old child, is of crucial importance his observation that is at least not at the time the mother dependent on foreign assistance, as it is in any case, first at home after birth of second child, while his father during his core work times von 9 bis 16 clock care can be foreign to the child and the child has already established a bond with his little half-sister, so it child seems well served if the child can grow up with a stay with his mother and his half-sister.

(Communicated by Judge Court of Appeals, K. P Blank, Cologne)

Editor's note: From the imprint of the reasons for the waiver.

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OLG Koblenz: Family Legal care model may not lead to change ...

Free Case

The district court of Mainz has rights of access substantially to the effect regulated

that the children principle in the household of the mother

stop and ... . htm

Friday, January 8, 2010

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Blog News - 08/01/2010

Well, there are people that are very active in the evening and night, normal people will indeed During the day, but people are just different .

My personal admonish then I logged some time to digest before midnight, provoking me a mail sent with a disclaimer. Why would he send them to me actually when I can not read?

Because there are things in there, which let the hair standing every judge - not me, for I am worse than usual - so I answered him These steps:


Now for the technical aspect, I had originally written warning, and refer to responses published in my court. Unfortunately, skin go there something wrong with the web space, the document could only be picked up by a user and then was deleted - I can not do everything well.

So I read the documents using OCR, swapped out the lyrics and re-linked, with the note that the originals to Beweislegung can be obtained free by mail with me. To me, no one can spit in the soup, my court and know about my approach.

The post is still on the network:


The documents, which I imagine are available to the public, as transcripts of cost at the following address: http://dokumente-es

. /

Please go careful with this blog, we have added some harassment to impede the illegal theft.

From Karlsruhe there is something new, the acquittal in the case "Ouri Jallow was lifted, the press release of BGH

Things are improving with the economy, unemployment in my district have been increased:


are in Hamburg today a verdict on the Youth Office victim, but that was my special youth welfare victims not yesterday interested to read only the articles in which I reported on it:

Maybe today I can tell already what has come out in the matter and who attended?

M. Knuth

Thursday, January 7, 2010

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BGH - Case of 7 January 2010 - 4 St 413/09 - Press
bgh = & type = anz pm & date = 2010 & sort = 3 & nr = 50 432 & pos = 0 & = 3

release the press office

No 3 / 2010

acquittal in the case "Ouri Jallow 'ended

On 7 January 2005, died born in Sierra Leone Ouri Jallow in a detention cell
the police department of Dessau to the consequences of a fire through the
the mattress on which he had been fixed, shelled
inhalation heat shock. The prosecution had

the accused, who had worn as a group leader
responsibility for the detention area, which alleged that,
he had failed, immediately after the sounding of the alarm signal of smoke detector
initiate rescue operations, although he was conscious, be
that the response is always a smoke detector from the outbreak of a fire
assumed. He had made possible violations Ouri Jallow
by smoke and fire exposure approvingly accepted. The district court

Dessau has with the accused by the facts of the allegation of assault
death acquitted in office.
It is neither proved that the accused had intent
injury, should also be shown that the defendant would have carried an immediate intervention
death Ouri Jallow can avoid.

on the revisions to the prosecutor and the plaintiff has the 4th After the sentencing remarks
is not clear how the fire of the mattress specifically designed
Criminal Division of the Federal Court Judgement of the District Court with the following reasoning
repealed. In particular, it remains unclear whether a state court Assumed
"Anschmoren" the mattress cover without burning your hand and some pain
sounds would be possible to have the accused to a
early intervention have led. In addition, the district court
in assessing the intent to save Ouri Jallow not available
time that the smoke detectors already
minutes before the ignition of the foam filling of the mattress, which led within two minutes to a fatal inhalation
shock, may have already been triggered by
was that the fire resistant mattress cover was melted first under
using a gas lighter to expose the
foam filling. Then the accused but
could possibly have prevented the death of success if he would have immediately initiated after
alert the necessary rescue measures. The 4th
Criminal Division has, moreover, objected the adoption of the district court, the defendant had
act dutifully, although he initially pushes the alarm
, connectable end a telephone conversation with his superiors led
and then turn back on the road to the detention area had to because he had forgotten
to take the Fußfesselschlüssel.

The Federal Court remanded the case to the district court of Magdeburg
. There, they must now be renegotiated.

Judgement of 7 January 2010 - 4 St 413/09

LG Dessau - Case of 8 December 2008 - 6 KS 4 / 05

Karlsruhe, 7 January 2010

press office of the Federal
76 125 Karlsruhe
Telephone (0721) 159-5013 Fax
(0721) 159-5501