Saturday, January 23, 2010

Balck Shaker Style Kitchen Cabinets

OLG Köln - 4 UF 114/09 - Decision v. 9.1.2009 / ABR

FamRZ 2010, 139

No. 69 OLG Köln - BGB § 1671

(4 ZS - Fams -, Order of 09.01 .2009 - 4 If UF 114/09)

both parents parenting skills in the same way, there is a good bond with both parents of the child, the child has no showed preferences for one or the other parent and have both parents in a position to future educational development of the child to adequately support, then for the question to whom the residence determination for a 4 half transfer year-old child, is of crucial importance his observation that is at least not at the time the mother dependent on foreign assistance, as it is in any case, first at home after birth of second child, while his father during his core work times von 9 bis 16 clock care can be foreign to the child and the child has already established a bond with his little half-sister, so it child seems well served if the child can grow up with a stay with his mother and his half-sister.

(Communicated by Judge Court of Appeals, K. P Blank, Cologne)

Editor's note: From the imprint of the reasons for the waiver.


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