Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How Much Per Month Is Washington Sports Club

Hartz-IV-rule sets unconstitutional

Karlsruhe (dpa) - The Hartz-IV-standard rates for children and adults need to be recalculated. The current regime violates the Constitution. The calculation is not transparent enough, the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe ruled on Tuesday.

announced, the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, his opinion on the Hartz-IV-rule sets for children.
© dpa

The court invited the legislature to 31 December, to create new rules based on reality. Whether recipients of Unemployment benefit must therefore get more money, had the open court.
Up to a change in the existing rule remains valid. From now on Hartz IV recipients may make a specific need that, is not covered by previous payments. Thus the already heavily indebted state threatened this year by higher costs for Hartz IV in Germany more than 6.5 million people belong Hartz IV benefits.

was allowed after the decision of the Constitutional Court provide the legislature to secure a "decent subsistence fixed rule sets. But their calculation is the opinion of the justices, was incorrect. You must now in a transparent and appropriate procedures according to actual needs done again. Especially for children, the new calculation would more strongly on the reality. Thus, the actions were successful by three families from Bavaria, Hessen and North Rhine-Westphalia.
The Hartz-IV-standard rate for adults is currently at 359 € a month, the entry into force of the law beginning in 2005 there were 345 euros. In children and adolescents, the benefits are tiered, and that starting from the set of rules: In six years there are 60 percent (215 €), under 14 years, 70 percent (251 €), about 80 percent (287 €).

http://portal.gmx.net/de/themen/finanzen/geld/9837546-Hartz-IV-Regelsaetze-verfassungswidrig.html # .00000002


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