Sunday, February 7, 2010

How To Put A Pesin In A Vergina Pic

Presseeerklärung - It is requested that it be circulated freundöichst - THANKS!

From: Joachim Hinz [mailto:]
Posted: Sunday 7 February 2010 06:15
To: Subject: Presseeerklärung - It is requested that it be circulated freundöichst - THANKS!


We hereby disclose to the public that on 25.02.2010 to 12:00 clock - Assembly - and at 13:00 clock - opening rally - before the youth of the City Oldenurg (Oldb) in the Bergstr. 25, in Oldenburg held including a demo. More information can be found in the attached application, see below, supra.

background of this demo is the indiscriminate taking into care of the six children of the family from E. Oldenburg from 25.02.20009, at 17:00 clock, including the latest 3 months, which still breastfed by KM been, and we will refer to as a capital crime against the city of JA OL. The courts could therefore not be called in time. An absolute violation of the Constitution under Article 19 para 4 sentence 1 GG with § § 123, paragraph 1, Code of Administrative Procedure 80, paragraph 5. A protocol on the taking into care is neither the district court - Family Court - in the Higher Regional Court of Oldenburg - Family Senate - the biological parents and authorized lawyer Patrick Kate Husen from Oldenburg before. Also on my written request to the youth of the City of Oldenburg - I represent the family as assistance by E. $ 13 SGB X - but "FINALLY" that protocol to make available to all interested parties on the taking into care, was so far made no impact. The taking into care as an administrative act is in fact within the meaning of § 31 SGB X. This is an administrative measure twice, namely:

a) the taking into care and as such
b) the immediate execution of Verwaltunsgaktes.

Proper enforcement order by the Administrative Court of Oldenburg was not present.

A proper appeal was his parents to Article 19 paragraph 4 sentence 1 GG with § § 123 paragraph 1 with 80, paragraph 5 VwGO n i c h t granted.

It may in the Federal Republic of Germany n i c h t concern that employees or officers / officials of the youth office the city of Oldenburg dagestellt be better as a professional judge, or a professional judge, see also Articles 92, 97 GG with Article 101 paragraph 1 sentence 1 Basic Law - the special court or tribunal except a youth office: "NO THANKS"! - With § 132 StGB.

The taking into care pursuant to § § 42, § § 8a SGB VIII, 1666, 1666a BGB does not belong in the hands of a youth office under Article 2, Article 1 with Article 104 GG GG, but then in the hands of a professional judge or a judge's anvetraut. Thus wüllkürliche administrative acts would be prevented by the youth welfare offices.

The fundamental rights see, just as Federal Constitutional Court, in: BVerfGE 10, 51 - mwRsprN - the children of the family from E. Oldenburg under Article 6 § 1 with para 2 sentence 1 of Article 2 paragraph 1 of Article 1 paragraph 1 GG, for example, see only BVerfGE, in: BVerfGE 1, 97 / 104 - Violation process of human dignity: Violation / branding / brainwashing / ban - in conjunction with the rule of law (Article 20, paragraph 3 GG) were completely disregarded by the YES of the city OL.

It is therefore strongly suspected that either of JA that the city of Oldenburg on 25.02.2009, before 17:00 clock and 17:00 clock either override the constitutional order or undermine this law or have removed, see also § § 81 para 1 No. 2, 82 paragraph 2 No. 1, 92 para 2 No 2, 5 and 6 with 92 Para 3 No. 3 of the Criminal Code, see also this reference from the relevant Schönke / Schröder, StGB 27th Edition, each Note to § § 81, 82, 92 StGB.

This was serious in the constitutional principles under Article 79 paragraph, Article 20, paragraph 3 and Article 1, paragraph 3 GG disproportionately on 25.02.2009, at 17:00 clock, MoM. the biological children of the family from E. Oldenburg intervened. Regardless even of the UN CRC and the ECHR. Such secret campaign we want to avoid in future, following the motto: "Stop the omnipotence of youth services and Youth offices in the pillory!

These are all citizens of Federal Republic of Germany as well as citizens or citizens from abroad warmly invited to participate peacefully in the demonstration.

Munich, 05 Feb. 2010

Joachim Hinz
- Organizer -


Barsinghausen, the 05/02/2010

Günther Hinz - Chief Organizer -

new location, just 19 days until the demo in Oldenburg

On Monday, 08.02.2010, meets a prescribed route of Mr. Dirk Schäfer from Oldenburg, which I will then also been known.

registration form for meetings meaning of Assembly Act

Joachim Hinz
70/II li,
D -. 81 249 Münc ... Hen
phone 089/122 84 138;
Fax 089/122 84 138;
Mobile Phone 01577/203 19 27
E-mail: or
Responsible manager:
Günther Hinz

D - 30 866 Barsinghausen
phone 05105/755 09 30
Fax 05105/755 09 30
0177/748 72 34 Mobile phone
E - mail:

theme of the event
disregard for the UN-CRC
contempt of
international law
contempt of
Basic Law, particularly
disregard of
constitutional principles
from Article 79 paragraph 3, Article 20 para . 3 and Article 1, paragraph 3 GG
youth services in the pillory
Stop the omnipotence of youth services
day of the event / Start and duration
day of the event:
2.25 .2010,
clock 12:00: assembly vd
youth of the City of Oldenburg
Start: 13:00 clock
time about 8 hours

nature of the event / number of expected participants

about 100 people - it is possible that even more people to come

10 press and media representatives

path / location of the rally
(kick-off rally / intermediate rally / closing speech)
Assembly: 12:00 clock
opening rally at 13:00 clock
a) Oldenburg
- Youth Office ( ASD) -
mountain road 25
D - 26 105 Oldenburg (Oldb)
distance from the mountain road 25
D - 26122 Oldenburg (Oldb)

first Between rally
to the Higher Regional Court of Oldenburg
- 1. Family Senate -
Richard-Wagner-Platz 1
D - 26135 Oldenburg (Oldb.)

distance 378 m 00:00 min
b) Higher Regional Court of Oldenburg

4th Civil Division and 1st Family Senate -
Richard - Wagner - 1st place
D - 26135 Oldenburg (Oldb)

third distance
of the Richard-Wagner-Platz 1
D-26135 Oldenburg (Oldb)
to Georgstr. 2 D - 26121 Oldenburg (Oldb)
Distance: 2.54 km 0:00

c) final rally
to St. Peter Catholic Parish - Catholic Church -
Georgstr. 2, D - 26121 Oldenburg (Oldb)
phone 0441/27066

(for example, megaphone, banners, car speakers, flyers, special events)
megaphone JA !
Transparent YES!
leaflets YES!
Speaker vehicle NO!


Place, date - the signature of the responsible leader

22nd January 2010

Joachim Hinz

22 January 2010

Günther Hinz

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