Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Can You Get Herpes Your Nose

Only major setback!

So, I just had another test and it was found that my Cervix in a week shortened from three to only 2cm added.

What does this mean for me?

I may now take two tablets twice a day, which are actually forbidden for pregnant women, have armed themselves in medicine for labor inhibition, however. This drug is called nifedipine .

Also, I may now be up to 34 weeks of gestation and thus remain almost 4 more weeks in hospital and I was again prescribed strict bed rest. Oh great.

Today's first CTG was recorded within 10 minutes 2 labor. Unfortunately I could only hold one on picture since shortly after the 2nd Woe to the nurse came and picked up the CTG-Journal.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Church Street New Year's Eve


were before yesterday when I stopped taking the tranquilizers and I have to take only the magnesium tablets. Since yesterday I can that, either out of bed and move around a bit on the station.

Unfortunately last night I had another contraction häftige cheer CTG, which is why I then bekommmen for the night again a calming tablet.

morning were then 2 contractions in the CTG to see what is still okay. But my lunch CTG looked like this:

For those who do not understand a CTG Journal: The upper columns show the heartbeat of the child. The lower the labor. If you have any contractions, then the black line fairly straight, you have contractions, you can see such a hill in the picture. The higher the hill, the more häftiger the woe.

Ah, and the high fringe near the end was a coughing fit from me because I had swallowed during water drinking! :) From there, the labor was over. Knobs kicked me any more. It seems that I have him coughing in his sleep. ;)

morning, then a stress test should be done. After the last CTG I believe, however, not more to it that I will survive the blow-free, which would mean that I start next week would probably not be redundant.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Slogans On Dog's Tail

Positive news for a tiny taste

Yesterday was the Luckily my daughter home from the hospital! My friend told me that she was back home the very old and has slept great and everything works fine. The happy mom, of course, huge.

even today I have finally got permission to get up and walk around a bit to be allowed. After lunch I walked to the station along a little path and I can lie down right after that to the CTG. All was quiet. No contraction. At the weekend, a stress test should be done. If I am good about, I can probably out next week. Let's see. Wish me your thumb.

The only news I have for you, now is not 100% postive, is the following: In the last week, recorded on my right side a Nierenstauung and renal ultrasound and anything seen in the kidney. Since I had no pain but because it is assumed that only the baby pushes on the kidney and therefore it is dammed. Today, on my first tour of the station but I had pain on the right level of the kidneys. However, I hope that many of the beds only and is soon gone. should remain because it would have to be engaged and this engagement could encourage the contractions again extreme. What is not so good.

Well, we'll see what the days bring.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Died From Systemic Vasculitis

BGH - Case 08/11/2010, XII ZR 102/09

9th Code of Civil Procedure: Calculation of post-divorce maintenance needs

Civil Code § § 1578 para 1, 3, 1578 b, ZPO § 540

a) Under § 540, para . 1 sentence 1 No. 1 ZPO has an appeals ruling would contain no facts. Necessary but is a reference to the factual findings in the first instance verdict with a description of any changes or additions. This includes the at least reproduce the gist of the appeal proposals.

b) The calculation of the post-divorce maintenance requirements for a quota of available income based on the assumption that all of the available income for the livelihood of the spouses is used. At the lowest income levels, where the assumption is that not all income is consumed for a living, but in part paid by them and the wealth creation, higher needs are specific reasons.

c) For the calculation of the pension and tear from the concrete Barunterhalt dimensioned (in Following the Senate decision of 25 October 2006 - XII ZR 141/04 - FamRZ 2007, 117).

d) As part of the - the trial judge incumbent - Equity consideration for § 1578 b BGB wins a longer duration of marriage through economic interdependence, which occurs especially by cessation of their employment, particularly weight.

> Complete text (Abruf-Nr.: 102 881)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Red Dot For Bowsight Review

The Abmahnhai: The decline and the flight of a Abmahnhais

The Abmahnhai: The decline and the flight of a Abmahnhais : "Yes, was there even someone who set out to the Lord Knuth, the Levites to read. Yes, he saw her again, the Fata Morgana, now he is in the country ... "