Friday, September 24, 2010

Church Street New Year's Eve


were before yesterday when I stopped taking the tranquilizers and I have to take only the magnesium tablets. Since yesterday I can that, either out of bed and move around a bit on the station.

Unfortunately last night I had another contraction häftige cheer CTG, which is why I then bekommmen for the night again a calming tablet.

morning were then 2 contractions in the CTG to see what is still okay. But my lunch CTG looked like this:

For those who do not understand a CTG Journal: The upper columns show the heartbeat of the child. The lower the labor. If you have any contractions, then the black line fairly straight, you have contractions, you can see such a hill in the picture. The higher the hill, the more häftiger the woe.

Ah, and the high fringe near the end was a coughing fit from me because I had swallowed during water drinking! :) From there, the labor was over. Knobs kicked me any more. It seems that I have him coughing in his sleep. ;)

morning, then a stress test should be done. After the last CTG I believe, however, not more to it that I will survive the blow-free, which would mean that I start next week would probably not be redundant.


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