Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Monster Energytongue Rings

U4 and echocardiography

Have just read the blog baby and another blogger found out the fact that what worries just with your mouse. So I thought that I also tell you even know how it looks at us.

We were in February with our little ones to U4, because our pediatrician is also a cardiologist, he has also the same for control and is not viewed the heart. That should do the wor, we were from KH in the dismissal of the children applied, since he had, as I already informed, after the birth of problems with their hearts.

The U4 was really great. The little boy is growing and growing and beautiful. Now weighs about 5500g. However, we have now with him for physical therapy in that it is, if we lift it always leaning back and squeezing his hands convulsively total. If we did not have it treated, he would probably not ever get to sit because he was always leaning back and then always fall back would. Today we had our first Hour and the lady showed me what I can do with him, as I record it best and such.

When echocardiography has unfortunately been found that the hole in the heart is open again. First, nothing is done. We just hope that it closes by itself. In May, we then have foreseen. Since the hole was so open before, had then and now closed but is open again, I'm really something to fear that it now does not close and we at the very end but still an operation is imminent.

Otherwise everything is going quite well. The tablets help me get through the day relatively relaxed.


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