Friday, October 1, 2010

Consuming Expired Chicken Broth

What's new?

So the contractions have set thanks to the comic we both tablets and the tablets so far this agreement has been very good.

I must now re move something in the room, the bed rest was relaxed. May take a shower today evening at last. However, I realize again that the contractions increase slowly. I developed an immunity over time against all the contractions inhibitors or if the are that his total labor inhibitors damn small it really that urgent?

was me today again bled and I had to give a urine sample. If the urine sample was determined that my urine has blood in it. Had earlier on the Gyn to renal ultrasound. Da da but nothing was found I was brought directly to the urology, where I was before nochein renal ultrasound. Since this has revealed nothing to me then decreased urine by catheter. Let's see if we can find something there and hope that no action was necessary, as this not so good for us both.


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