Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Strean


So, there is unfortunately or fortunately (as you want, you can see, is both) to report not much new.

The little one is so far stable and keeps brave. Only the self-breathing makes him very hard. So far, he could try it yourself and if he plays but could not or "forgotten", then jumped a machine for him. However, this was very much exhausted, so last night was extra a doctor to me, telling me that she now completely artificial respiration. He can first build up your forces and practice breathing at rest. And if he is so far at some point, he may also like to try again alone.

I also got the day before random grad entering his room, when an ultrasound was taken of his head. Everything okay!

Today I finally was able to throw even a real look at his head. Previously he was wearing a funny cap and there was his great hair covered.


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