Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Many Piercings Does Jenna Jameson Have


In the night of 5 to 6 October I have repeatedly plagued very strong contractions. The contractions inhibitors were effective any more. So it was decided yesterday early morning, daass you relocating me to a hospital in Potsdam, because you are there better equipped in the event that the boy really not up to the 34th want to wait Pregnant adhesion week. So it went so against 6 clock in the morning with blue light to Potsdam where I arrived an hour later.

During the day it went with the labor. As long as I could sit up from the contractions but I felt, that as my belly was hard, but nothing more. But when should we be CTG yes and then I not only felt the contractions, but really had pain, respiratory problems, and thus sometimes very tense.

After the first 10 minutes of CTG's evening was then taken to a doctor. This would most like to put my labor inhibitors to the highest level. As my heart rate already at 124 but this would have been good. Therefore we then decided to bring the little man.

I was so planned from the outset a caesarean section was immediately prepared everything for it. My friend was informed, was on his way to me was taken while the little one. For the werdenede Papa could not come in before the surgery and he came almost on time, as the boy was there and I made the OP already back out there.

And now what most interested in:

The little man's name is Aaron Lee is 42cm tall, weighs 1780g and has a head circumference of 30cm. He also has no birth defects or similar, but it probably already a lot of hair on his head. Yesterday's state of affairs was that he is healthy, is now in the incubator and gets some help in breathing. Which is understandable, since he is also the beginning of the 31st Week of pregnancy already see the light of day!

And as you can probably imagine, I'm also fine. Did everything well over and feel fit. Otherwise I could not tell you jajetzt already. ;)

I hope the little guy right now to be able to see the first real time and maybe I can for you, and of course do for me, a photo.


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