Monday, November 8, 2010

Christian/hindu Wedding

As If Forever Exists. The shadow

A strange day .... The rise
was already painfully, had severe stomach cramps and everything ... Then I had to buy something I thought, all the time.
Continuously I have the IPod LIN - As If Forever is Exists ... This song is so beautiful ... And yet so sad ...

My stomach cramps were not better, so I had after shopping, put a hot water bottle and you put me on the belly ... Joar ...
worked the way I currently on my art book, which consists of sayings, poems and small drawings.
This is my distraction, if I feel bad etc. ..

I lay on the bed and worked on my art book, I thought after so long ... And yet for me to feel bad ...

Nevertheless, I thank you for the people who stand up to me and help me always, no matter what! I thank you all very much.

I think it's time was from me, for now.

Sayonara, your kyo.


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