Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cover For Operating Generator In Rain

Delayed postpartum depression?

Since Aaron is with us at home, I am doing very poorly. I think now after I've talked with other mothers about the fact that I suffer from delayed postpartum depression .

I'm with pretty much everything just simply overwhelmed, I always feel left in the lurch and I am not to be supported in the budget and dealing with the children. It also happened already, that I cried because I felt helpless and poor. I've also been thinking about me harming. For example, I loved to shave my hair or my scratch with a mass in his arm. Or worse. Then I always thought I could have easily earned. 've Even thought about him giving away. But I always wanted to have a son. And what would happen to Alisha? If they were taken away from me?

Most get Aaron to feel my moods. I yell at him when he's back just from crying or he hires too stupid in my eyes to drink. I leave him lying in the bedroom and cry and go only to him, if he gets the bottle and must be wrapped.

I even made him already because of total panic. I lay on the couch had him lying on my lap. Something happens to me very rarely. Alisha had then just put on my stomach and also in a way that she sat on my arms and I could not move them. Suddenly Aaron his feet touched my arm. I was panicked. Almost as if I were a spider sitting on me. I asked Alisha to go off me so I can put down my thoughts, according to him, or can remove him from me. But Alison did not want to go down. I asked again and again. But without success. At one point I even asked her to tears. Begging for eternal then she got down from me. I put the kids under the arms and brought him into the bedroom. To where I did not not have to hear and see. And so it was made often when I return everything will be crying too much and I just can not stand.

What am I really bad for a mother?

Fortunately, I see my problem and I know that I need to seek medical attention. After all, I've always wanted a son and now that I have him, I treated him so bad.


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