Monday, January 17, 2011

Pine Wood Derby Star Terk

sign of life xD

Konnichi wa.

Joar I'm fine so far, the Chisaii have survived and so. It was really cool
Reiga, Gakkun, Kira, meet Hana & Aya again.
This has been fun and so clean <3
Joar ....
Right now I'm at my best friend in HH.
did it well and I am now short time on his laptop x'D
Joar ...
I will go home on 1/28/2011, but to drive back on 01/30/2011 HH.
For I will start to pack things the GR in the small boxes. And then I will go and stay in HH.
Get me to create a web-stick and all.
Then I will probably have a job interview on 31.01.2011 * Q *
What I am looking forward hihi <3
Wish me luck dear ones <3
* grin *

Joar and then the start time in HH well, although I with Tosh still have no home, but still, I must get out of home, will anyway and kicked at the 1/2/2011 joar. My mother just .... x'D
Wat the hell, then I cashier money up their ... Well said rather my money, what's mine xP * * mahaha what I'm angry.
But if she wants me to have more ned, home paaah * * I shit on the WOMAN -.- '

SayƓnaru, your Kyo.
Ps: I'll contact as soon as there is news <3
Oh yes: Reiga, Leda, Ruru, Fuyu, Totchi, Aya, Saso, TOP, Gakkun, Kira & Takuma?
HAB YOU SUPER MEGA DOLL LIEB thank you, that you exist!


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