Saturday, January 29, 2011

Gallery Milena Velba Forum

xD Good night everybody ...

I can tell you one ...
can pack boxes are really annoying ... * Sfz *
Well ....
since Friday I am back home and stuff.
Say again .... in near Kiel -.-''
But hey

Joar am ausmüllen pack yesterday only on the cartons and ... And joar ... While I'm on time but not really. But wat is ... * yawn * morning goes from there back to HH and submit application on Monday, I can only hope that I will be accepted at the post> ~ < Hoffentlich klappt das...

And on 01/04/2011 I will possibly come to Kiel, where I have money in the account have ... And stay until the 09.02.2011 in Kiel ... Since last appointment with my therapist * Q *
Huhu what I'm looking forward to is my mother's first fire in the ass because the kicked me * haha * I am from a cookie to me. * Lach flash slide *
Joar ... I think at the moment after, to part with some people, because somehow, is apparently so much wrong ... and I've even durchgelese an old letter, but this has also lost its truth ... even the words have been lied ...
TZZ ... I was so sure ... So I am again a minor Persönlichtkeit * laugh * But that is no longer a problem. I am relieved when I'm so unimportant. Because then I can no more harm!

Sun ... all my friends I really love, these include: Sena, Reiga, Leda, Fuyu, Ruru, Aya, Kira, Sassi, & of course Gackto TOP * Q *
Jaja ... 'll even miss some genuine, but some will do better without me x'P

nya ....

Sayonara, your Kyo <3


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